Captain Mike Taylor (Ret) is a third generation Naval Officer who has lived in San Diego and numerous overseas locations during his 27 year career as a United States Naval Officer. A combat decorated veteran, he has served on Destroyers, Cruisers, and Frigates in support of Operation Desert Storm, Operation Desert Shield, and the Kuwaiti Liberation Campaign. Additionally, he served in combat in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
His personal awards and decorations are too numerous to list but do include over 14 personal commendations including two Legion of Merit awards. Mike’s interest in firearms started at a very young age when he could not afford to buy a Colt 1911A1 pistol but instead decided to learn gunsmithing and build one from surplus WWII parts. Since then, he has become a competent gunsmith, competitive and decorated shooter, gun rights advocate, and accomplished sportsman. He is now recently retired and pursuing his hobby in firearms as a licensed dealer and appraiser. San Diego Gun Appraiser does not perform tranfsers or DROS.
If you need this service we strongly recommend Don and Susan Gussler for San Diego DROS. Photography for this site was supported by Chris Keeney.
35+ years of experience
Western Arms Collectors Member
Veteran Owned Business

Matched pair, sequentially numbered
Caspian 1911A1 45 ACP Pistols

Stainless steel version with
7.5 inch barrel

Lighting provided
by gunfire